Past Event18 Jul 2020

The Cat In The Hat 1

No longer available

Bruce Mason Centre

Family & Kids


Few children’s books have stood the test of time quite like Dr Seuss’s 200 word masterpiece The Cat in the Hat.

Adapted for the stage, the play tells the story consistent with the book about a brother and sister, bored at home alone on a rainy day (without their mother!!??) when they are visited by none other than ‘The Cat’ in his red and white striped Hat (who they let in the door!!??) Their outspoken and outraged pet Fish (yip, the fish talks...and is the babysitter!!) is astounded and concerned, but this cat will not be deterred. He will teach us all how to make our own fun with nothing but a little imagination. "It's fun to have fun, but you have to know how." Along with his friends, Thing One and Thing Two (hey, we all have those types of friends), they turn the house upside down, leaving mess everywhere. But don’t be worried  -  The Cat brings in his red ‘Picker-Up Machine’ and all is back to normal before Mum walks back in the door.

The Cat in the Hat performed a sold-out tour of New Zealand in 2018 and has been touring Australia since 2019.

The production features a full-scale set of the house and over seventy props that the cast use to bring to life every detail of the much-loved book.

The Cat in the Hat is coming to Auckland!

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