Past Event5 Feb 2022

The Circus

No longer available

Auckland Live Digital Stage, Aotea Square


UPDATE 24 Jan 2022: Auckland Live, our partners and artists involved in Auckland Live Summer in the Square regret to announce that due to New Zealand being in Covid-19 Red Traffic Light setting indefinitely, all events scheduled from Friday 28 January - 26 February will not be going ahead.  Due to the nature of the events planned and difficulty safely distancing or capping audience numbers in Aotea Square, the events are now postponed until further notice.  The welfare and safety of our artists, staff and audiences will remain our first priority.  

These events are:

Fiesta  28 – 30 January
Jazz  31 January
Circus  3 - 5 Feburary
The Greatest Showman  5 February
The Circus  5 February
Fashion  11 -12 February
Beats  17 -19 February
In the Heights  19 February
Animation Gets Groovy  19 February
Pride  24 - 26 February
Auckland Pride Party  26 February

We are monitoring advice from the Ministry of Health and will provide further updates and advice around rescheduling of Auckland Live’s Summer in the Square in due course.


Kick back and enjoy a free screening of The Circus, part of Tāmaki Makaurau Auckland’s outdoor cinema line-up this summer in Aotea Square. Come early to secure your spot, bring a picnic rug, have a bite to eat, and catch the pre-movie entertainment.

The Little Tramp is hired by a circus and soon becomes the main attraction when his comedic blunders drive the crowd wild. Having fallen in love with the ringmaster’s daughter, he doesn’t even realize he is the show’s main feature. In this high-flying comedy, we are quickly caught up in Chaplin’s whirlwind of gags, where even the acrobats and clowns watch his show-stopping stunts from the sidelines.

Parents, please don't drop off or leave your children unsupervised at this event. Please note you cannot BYO alcohol to Summer in the Square. The Terrace Café  will be open and selling both alcoholic and non-alcoholic beverages, as well as tasty eats and treats.

This film screening is part of the Summer in the Square Circus Weekend! Be sure to check out what else is on. 


Welcome back to Auckland Live, where our venues are open for Covid-19 Protection Framework compliant events. All visitors must show a valid My Vaccine Pass, sign in and wear a face covering when required. Click here for our Covid-19 FAQs and information on how we are keeping our people, visitors, and venues safe.  

Accessibility: If you are attending a show or event in our venues and have an access need, find more information about accessibility here

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