Mānawatia a Matariki! Celebrate Matariki!
Join us at Te Hōro ā-Tāone o Tāmaki Makaurau, Auckland Town Hall and Te Papa Tū Wātea, Aotea Square on Friday, July 14 from 12pm – 6pm for Matariki Festival Day.
Enjoy pūrākau (stories) with The Sandman, kai (food) from Sweet as Bowl, Local Legends Eats and 2wo Fat Ladies, kōrerorero (discussions) with our panel interviews featuring Moss Patterson, Maru Nihoniho and Liam Kokaua. Immerse yourself in toi Māori (art) and explore market stalls featuring tawhiao7, My Taiao, Papa Clothing, Ngāti Whatua Weavers, Rereahua Creatives, Jeanine Clarkin, Taiao Creative, KRS Apparel, and Maiden Tāmaki. Witness captivating whare tapere (performances) from NZ Dance Company, experience the power of kapa haka with Ngā Puna o Waiorea, and enjoy a soulful waiata session from Jordyn with a Why, Summer Vee, and Nat Rose. Let the tamariki groove to the rhythm of Loopy Tunes with Matariki-inspired music.
Step into the virtual reality game Guardian Maia and explore the Matariki stars while fully immersed in a digital world.
Bring friends and whānau for a full afternoon of joy, remembrance and celebration from 12-6pm in the Great Hall, Auckland Town Hall and Aotea Square, Auckland Central.
Brought to you by Te Kaunihera o Tāmaki Makaurau / Auckland Council and iwi partner Ngāti Whātua Ōrākei. Supported by Auckland Live, Vector Lights and Flava.
Hikaia ngā ahi o Matariki
Hikaia ngā ahi o Te Kahu Tōpuni o Tuperiri
Light the ceremonial fires of Matariki
Light the ceremonial fires of Te Kahu Tōpuni o Tuperiri